I am a 54 year resident of Adams County and have lived in Brighton for 24 years. I have been married for 47 years to my wonderful husband, Fred Pollack, Sr. Fred and I have five children, nine grand children, & six great grandchildren.

Over the course of my life, I have been an active member and supporter of the Democratic Party. I have always backed our candidates and officials (local, State, and National) by working hard to help them walk precincts, making phone calls, obtaining donations, and offering any other assistance they needed. I have also been appointed as a local and congressional delegate several times.

I have been captain of my House District Captaincy, and have been selected as a precinct person many consecutive times. I have also chaired the Adams County Latino PAC. I am a founding member of the PBAC, the Professional Bail Agents of Colorado.

As a long time business owner in Brighton and a professional bondsman; I have a strong connection to and knowledge of the judicial system. I am the first bondsman to serve on the Adams County Executive Board of Community Corrections and in that capacity; I serve to protect the people of my County. I believe strongly in the integrity and dedication of our Law Enforcement agencies and believe that they are very much unrepresented in legislature. I have a long history of supporting public safety and law enforcement and plan to continue to champion these causes.

Maybe even more importantly, I believe our educational system needs to be supported. The system is underfunded and always seems to be the first area to sustain cuts during financial downturns. This falls far short of the commitment we owe our children and grandchildren to offer them the best opportunities possible as part of “the American dream”. If our children aren’t properly educated, not just learning to score on a test, but taught to love and enjoy the learning process, then they will not be ready to take advantage of the best jobs when our economy rebounds. And if they aren’t prepared to pick up the pieces, our economy may never rebound.

As a small business owner I have lived through good times and bad. I am quite aware of the financial troubles that our State is experiencing and am of the opinion that higher taxes are not the solution. In my mind, higher taxes will eventually run the State into ruin. I believe that smarter choices are what are required; the same hard choices you and I make on a daily basis to balance the budget of our own lives. The things that are being currently done, i.e., cutting State employee hours and forced furlough days don’t solve the underlying issues and the work still ahead. Cuts and furloughs simply tack the work onto the back end of the cycle with the hope that things will be better then.

There exists a vicious cycle that needs to be broken; costs of necessities continue to climb mainly because wages need to rise to meet employees needs, which rise as the cost of necessities continue to rise. Profiteering on the misery of the low and middle wage classes needs to be investigated and consumers and merchants need to work together to find a balance and the true value of commodities.

I am not a professional politician with all of the answers. But I promise that, if I am elected, I will work as hard as it takes to learn every issue that you bring to me and in turn offer real solutions that can be implemented.

My decision to run for this seat did not come easily. But looking around my community, I saw how few people were smiling. The stress and worry around me was unlike anything I have seen and it compelled me to seek this nomination so I may help all of us work through the many crisis’s we are facing. I feel that the weaker in spirit we become, the stronger our enemies become and I cannot sit back and watch. It is not in my heart or in my soul and I pray that you will trust me to be the right choice to represent you.

I have the Experience, Dedication, Desire, Energy, Leadership, and Decision Making Skills necessary to make a positive impact as the State Representative of HD30 and I look forward to fulfilling my civic duty in that role.

A sweet letter from my "Biggest Fan"